Jail for James Green who bit off partner’s ear
A MAN who bit off his partner’s ear while high on cocaine has been handed a lengthy jail sentence.
In an extraordinary rant during his sentencing hearing at Reading Crown Court on Thursday, October 5, James Green lashed out at his victim, his barristers and the justice system, claiming he was a victim too.
Meanwhile his former partner, Louise Campbell, said in a victim impact statement: “I feel shame...how do I tell people the man who was supposed to love me has mutilated me?”
During his trial last month, Green tried to persuade jurors he thought he was being attacked by a “shadow person”.
The 36-year-old admitted the ear-biting attack when arrested but initially claimed he did it in his sleep.
However Green, who was living at Maple Crescent in Newbury, repeatedly changed his story, eventually settling on a version where he was having hallucinations due to an epileptic fit.
A jury at Reading Crown Court did not believe him and convicted him of wounding Ms Campbell on September 13 last year.
He also has numerous previous convictions – in 2020 he was jailed for launching a vicious, unprovoked attack on Ms Campbell in which he knocked her unconscious.
He also has a conviction for assaulting her by beating her.
In 2015 he was jailed for five years after police found a stun gun disguised as a torch in his car.
Green also has more than 30 convictions for other offences including repeatedly flouting court orders.
Jurors at his latest trial at Reading Crown Court heard Green attacked Ms Campbell following a day-long alcohol and cocaine binge when she tried to look at his mobile phone.
Ms Campbell said in a victim impact statement that she now suffers from nightmares, flashbacks and PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder).
She added: “I will have a deformed ear for life, as well as a scar to my cheekbone.
“I had years of physical and emotional abuse before I could escape from him; I lost my career.
“It will take years to overcome the damage to my health, my finances and family.”
Green had represented himself at trial, having dismissed two separate barristers assigned to defend him.
At Thursday’s sentencing hearing Green dismissed Ms Campbell’s victim statement as “lies and more lies”.
He added: “She was the person who snatched the phone from me...there was a history of abuse from Louise; I’ve been attacked.”
He went on to make a series of unsubstantiated allegations of serious criminality on Ms Campbell’s part and said: “I’m not going to allow my voice as a victim not to be heard.
“It’s impossible for my brain to feel guilt; my brain didn’t form the action; why would she do what she did?
“To make a man liable for imprisonment for a crime he is unable to prevent – it goes against the spirit of British justice.”
Green also railed against his barristers and claimed: “Every human right has been taken from me; there’s been fabrication and perverting the course of justice.”
Green said he had completed courses in prison to help him deal with drug addiction and anger management.
Judge Real said that, in sentencing Green, she took account of the “impact of overcrowded prisons”.
However, she added: “You sought out theories that would exonerate you from criminal liability...you see yourself as another victim.”
Green was sentenced to six years and three months imprisonment.
He must serve at least two thirds of that behind bars, before being released on licence.